Mar 11, 20201 min

Who's getting Sublette DUI's?

As of Feb. 29, 2020, the average person arrested for DUI in Sublette County was a 42-year-old male resident with an average Blood Alcohol Content of 0.16 - twice the legal limit.


The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 125 DUI’s in 2019, with 11 DUI’s so far in 2020, this trend looks likely to continue.


How can I enjoy social time with friends and family while protecting public safety and my health?


Before you go out, download the Virtual Bar App from iTunes and Google Play for a fun interactive way to see how few drinks it actually takes to become impaired, and why you need a DD.


Let’s stay safe and healthy Sublette County!


#sublettepreventioncoalition #SPC #dontdrinkanddrive #friendsdontletfriendsdrivedrunk #sublettecountysheriffoffice #costofDUI #DUIcost #dontriskit #beatruefriend #bac #virtualbar #safeandhealthy #designateddriver
