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Coordinator Notes – February 2021 in Prevention

Hello all,

Yesterday the House Education Committee debated House Bill 0062, which would require school districts to implement one hour of suicide prevention awareness training for students, per year. The bill did not make it out of committee. Sublette Representative Albert Sommers made a valiant effort to promote to legislators that there is no cost to schools to do this due to the community prevention grant. He also informed legislators that many schools, including schools in Sublette County, already have suicide prevention training for students in place.

There is a good article on yesterday’s debate here:

This issue gives me a chance to spotlight prevention heroes in Sublette schools who have been quietly moving forward with suicide prevention training for our students, without a state mandate: Jen Wilkinson, Pinedale High School health educator has taught 156 high school students suicide prevention in the past year; and Principal Eric Makelky supported and organized a training for 15 Pinedale Middle School students this past fall, taught by Mrs. Wilkinson. PMS now has a Hope Squad, a group of students who know the warning signs of suicide and know how to make a plan to get a student to a trusted adult for help.

Prevention makes great strides forward with laws and policies but nothing works as well as a group of committed individuals working together, on the community level. Especially when they are attuned to the needs of our children. We are so fortunate to have that kind of leadership in all our schools in Sublette County.

Here’s what’s happening in Prevention in February:

The Suicide Prevention Task Force met 2/1 and heard reports on how the community fund for services for youth is progressing. We also met Jennifer Bradoff, Clinic Director of Teton Behavior Therapy. Teton Behavior Therapy will be providing MH services in Sublette through local therapist Kelsi Sluyter. Detailed notes are attached below.

Tuesday 2/9 12 - 1 pm: The Opiates and Other Drugs Task Force welcomes Dr. Libby Stuyt, MD, to present on Marijuana and the Developing Adolescent Brain, over Zoom. Dr. Stuyt is an Addictions Psychiatrist and the medical director of a hospital based substance abuse treatment program in Pueblo Colorado. Dr. Stuyt is a much sought after expert and presenter on marijauna and the brain. I have attended her trainings in the past and can honestly say that she has a gift for explaining the science behind addiction, which is not an easy task!. This is a golden opportunity for parents and educators - who are on the front lines of drug and alcohol prevention - to learn more about how to talk confidently with kids about this complex topic.

The flyer is attached below, please share with those you think would be interested. We will be recording this, pelase email if you would like the recording. Here is the zoom link:

Thursday 2/11 3:30 - 4:30 pm: This month the regular SPC meeting happens in the Big Piney High School library in person, and over Zoom for Pinedale members. We will get an update from our Big Piney partners, and we will have reports from the task force co-chairs. Melinda and I will be in person in Big Piney. The agenda is attached. Please email Trisha at for the zoom link.

Coming in March: March 16 is the next prescription drug Take Back Day and Free Lunch for Seniors at the Marbleton Senior Center. We are keeping this to seniors only this March due to covid. Please promote this to your family members and friends who live in south county.

Thank you all for your being partners in prevention!

Please have a safe and healthy February.


Trisha Scott Prevention Coordinator Sublette County Public Health 307-749-5004

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