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Happy Spring to everyone,

A big shout out and thank you to the 12 people from Sublette schools, churches, businesses, and youth who attended the 2 day ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training) class this past weekend in Pinedale.

Our community safety net to protect against suicide just got wider and stronger. Please share our social media posts thanking these Sublette individuals.

This month in prevention:

Monday May 2: The Suicide Prevention Task Force met to welcome new members interested in fundraising for the MH fund and helping with a strategy for suicide prevention training for Oil and Gas companies.

Monday May 9: QPR 1 hour suicide prevention training for all PAC staff, thank you Amber Anderson for setting this up.

Tuesday May 10 12 - 1 PM: Opiates, Marijuana, and Other Drugs Task Force

St. Andrew's Church and on zoom

The task force will look at 2021 arrest data from the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police; learn about Delta - 8, a hemp derived THC product now legal and sold in gas stations in Wyoming; evaluate our current 90 day social media campaign to educate parents about high concentrate THC products that are packaged and marketed to kids. The goal of this 90 day campaign is to stay informed on the changing face of THC and the risks it presents to youth.

Please join us and please RSVP for lunch!

Contact Trisha for a Zoom link.

Thursday May 12, 12 -1 PM: Full coalition lunch meeting.

St. Andrew's Church lower level

Updates from Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Suicide Prevention programs and activities.

Please join us and please RSVP for lunch!

Contact Trisha for a Zoom link.

Friday May 20: Wyoming Survey Analysis Center senior researchers Eric Canen and Rodney Wambeam are here in Pinedale to host a 5 county listening session on the Wyoming 5 Year Prevention Strategic Plan. Space limited. If you have input to share, please contact Trisha.

June 1: TIPs - Alcohol Beverage Server training 8-1. Pinedale.

Registration required, please contact Trisha to register: 307-749-5004

June 11: Boulder Roll Poker Run rolls out to raise money for Sublette youth and family mental health services. There will be a live auction at the VFW at 5PM (approximate time).

Please come out to thank this group and to support this unique fund. The dollars are put directly to work connecting Sublette kids and adults to mental health support.

Please contact me with any questions.

Have a safe and healthy month!


Trisha Scott

Coalition Coordinator

Sublette Prevention Coalition


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