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Thank you to Big Piney for hosting the September coalition meeting!

Due to Covid numbers we are back to zoom for most of our meetings this month. Please note that the Sublette Drug Recognition Expert Training on Monday 10/11 has both a Zoom option and in person option for Sublette coalition members.

Monday October 4: Suicide Prevention Task Force meeting. The team met on Monday to review our community reach, numbers, and feedback from all September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month activities; make a preliminary plan for November 20 Survivors of Suicide Loss day; and make a follow up plan for QPR in Big Piney High School health classes.

Special event

Monday October 11, 10AM - 12PM : Sergeant Duane Ellis, State Impaired Driving Program Coordinator for the Wyoming Highway Patrol will be in Pinedale to do a Drug Recognition training for the Wyoming Prevention Action Alliance regional meeting. Sublette coalition members and guests are invited and welcome to attend!

Where: Pinedale Library Lovatt Room, also on Zoom, contact Trisha for link.

What: Drug Recognition experts are trained to stay current on emerging trends in drug use. The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training team in Wyoming travels all over the state to teach and educate school staff, law enforcement, medical clinics, parents (they will teach anyone and everyone!), on how to recognize drug impairment + signs and symptoms of drug use. I attended a brief DRE training at the statewide Impaired Driving Conference in May and I can confidently report that they do a lively and fascinating training, I highly recommend it for anyone interested. Please let me know if you are interested so we can keep track of our numbers. This is on zoom and also in person at the Pinedale Library.

Tuesday October 12: Tobacco Task Force

When: 12 - 1 PM

Where: Zoom, contact Trisha for link

What: Review Quit Group progress at High Country Behavioral Health; assess interest in another senior center vape education training; make a plan to train and pay 1 more quit class instructor; make plan for next Dimensions public class and promotion. Media review and feedback.

Rivera Lodge Catering is willing to do boxed lunches for us this month! You must RSVP if you would like lunch for this meeting. You are important, please let the grant thank you for your participation by letting us feed you lunch.

Thursday October 14: Full Coalition Lunch

When: 12 - 1 PM

Where: Zoom: contact Trisha for link

RSVP required for boxed lunch!

When: Two options to participate: 10 am or 2 pm.

Where: This is a statewide training offered on Zoom, contact Trisha for links

What: Provided by the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police (WASCOP), this is an excellent learning opportunity for all coalition members and anyone interested in preventing youth marijuana use in the event that marijuana is legalized in Wyoming. Here is the invite and the description provided to us by WASCOP:

How A Bill Becomes Law by Toni Decklever (90 minutes) Wyoming Marijuana Ballot Initiative Information by Byron Oedekoven (30 minutes) When: Monday, October 18, 2021 TWO Offered Times: 10 am and 2 pm Where: ZOOM Two sessions are being provided for your convenience. When: Oct 18, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: How A Bill Becomes Law and Wyoming Marijuana Ballot Information OR When: Oct 18, 2021 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: How A Bill Becomes Law and Wyoming Marijuana Ballot Initiative Information Thank you for being involved in prevention and please have a safe and healthy October! Trisha

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