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SPC Coordinator Report March 13, 2020

Coalition assessment season: Evaluators from Wyoming Survey Analysis Center (WYSAC) are traveling around the state the next 6 weeks to meet with and assess coalitions in a 3 part evaluation process: 1. Online survey of everyone on the SPC email list. 2. A face to face focus group of 7-12 SPC members on April 13 at 2 pm, location TBD; and 3. Coordinator interview, next week. They are focused specifically on the issue of community involvement: Are we building a solid foundation for delivering and sustaining substance abuse prevention services and reducing substance abuse problems? I am not sure if this group will evaluate our suicide prevention capacity.

Quit vape groups: Students at Pinedale High School have requested confidential quit vape groups, the Dept of Health and school admin all support this concept but there are always questions about liability when working with youth under 18, so we have requested that Clayton Melionkovich at the County Attorney’s Office guide us on liability issues. Students have advised us on good times and days for a 6 week group. We would like to hear suggestions from parents on the coalition for feedback on confidential groups. If we cannot do a youth group we will start an adult cessation group at Pubic Health the week of April 6.

Smoke free bars in Pinedale? We welcome all input on this topic that appears to be gaining some momentum in the community. Our grant bosses love this possibility. The next Tobacco Task Force meeting is scheduled for April 7th but will likely be changing so we can accomodate interested community members.

Big thank yous to Joan Mitchell and the kitchen staff at Marbleton Senior Center for providing such a warm and welcoming space and wonderful food for the Medication Take Back Day 2/26. 75 people came, not all donated medication but we still made quite a haul. Thank you to Sheriff Lehr and Lt. Dave Siefkes for attending and handling all the medication disposal. Thank you also to Janna and Robin from Public Health for their organizational expertise and help.

Next Medication Take Back Lunch will be at Rendezvous PoInt on June 24th. Open to everyone.

Thank you to Mardy Sleight and Bill Lehr for being QPR community champions, and big thank you to Matthew Daniels for going above and beyond to drive lunch and tech over to Piney for Tuesday’s training.

Thank you to Sarah Murdock and Peggy Weber for spending extra time to get up to speed on current marijuana prevention strategies that are focused on youth. We are watching webinars through March. This is available to anyone interested. The next one is on the psychopharmacology of commercialized cannabis products and their effects on the adolescent brain. Please contact Trisha if you are interested.

Thank you to Joey Burke and Robin Schamber for supporting, hosting, and participating in the Lunch and Listen Youth Advisory Group at Pinedale High School. The next group will meet April 2nd. Big thank you to Mr. Brisko for his support. Thank you especially to the 15 - 20 Pinedale High School students who have been showing up and sharing their honest concerns with us.

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