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August 2023 in Prevention

First: a deep bow of gratitude to all the extraordinary Sublette partners in prevention that I have had the pleasure to work with since August 2018. It has been a special honor for me to get to work with the Public Health team to serve Sublette County in this role. Starting Monday August 7, Public Health welcomes Rebecca Crowe as the new Sublette Prevention Coalition Coordinator. I am thrilled to get to work with Becky until August 31. Please stop by the Public Health office, or join us for any meeting this month, to meet Becky and to get involved in prevention work. The July list of Prevention Champions and Partners is long! We are very fortunate to have so many people in Sublette County working together to promote our common vision of a safe, healthy and caring community. Thank you to these July Prevention Champions and Partners: To Pinedale High School Art students Tyrney Roberts, Aiden Rhea, Rhonda Auradou, Stephanie Mata, Lily Stinson, Kat Stevens, Stephanie Mata, and Ceili Fallon for cheerfully distributing 988 stickers and cards to well over 1000 parade watchers. Thank you to Boulder Roll organizers and participants for accompanying our high school students. Thank you to parade announcer Dave Smith, who halted the parade at Main and Tyler Streets to shower this group with recognition and to promote the good work of the Boulder Roll and the Sublette Community Mental Health Fund initiative. Thank you to Chuckwagon Days Youth Rodeo organizers Brianne Brower and Mardy Sleight for promoting the AgriStress helpline and 988 at the rodeo on July 3. Thanks to a chute sponsorship from the Wyoming Dept of Agriculture, the rodeo announcer promoted the AgriStress and 988 helplines frequently during the rodeo, reaching well over 500 people. Thank you Sublette School District #9 and Sublette School District #1 for posting a total of 50 tobacco free campus signs on the Sub#9 and Sub#1 school grounds. Beyond signs, both school superintendents and administration take the tobacco free school policies seriously and do the hard work of enforcement not just during school hours but at all school events, including enforcing the policies with adults on school grounds. This sends a clear message that kids and tobacco do not belong in the same place. Enforcement is not fun and not easy. We appreciate our school administrators for doing this work. Thank you Rendezvous and Sublette County Fair organizers for supporting the “Drink Less, Be Your Best” moderate drinking message with posters throughout all venues. Delta-8, a “THC variant” derived from agricultural hemp, is now for sale in Pinedale. Thank you for all your questions about Delta-8! Thank you especially to Ashley Schluck, Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor for the Wyoming Dept of Transportation for her expertise and education on the hemp variants. Want to learn more about hemp variants and harms and impacts from hemp variants? Join the ATODS task force the 4th Monday of the month in August and September to “lunch and learn.”

Thank you to Sublette State Rep. Albert Sommers for working with other state legislators to sponsor HB 108, which made it illegal to sell Delta 8 and THC variants to under 18 year olds in Wyoming. Thank you Clayton Melinkovich, Sublette County Attorney for clarifying questions on the new statute. The law went into effect July 1. Hemp and THC edibles have caused sharp spikes in calls to Poison Control Centers and visits to the ER in states where they are legal. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable. Thank you to members of the County Attorney’s office and DFS for getting trained in Question, Persuade, Refer - QPR one hour suicide prevention community training on July 19th. For more information and to schedule a QPR training for your organization please contact the Prevention office: 307-749-5004. To outgoing Big Piney Town Council member Sherri Redden - for inviting the coalition to present to the Council on July 18th - Sherri delivered a very positive message about current prevention projects, trainings, and initiatives to Council members and invited Council members to represent Big Piney on the coalition. Thank you to outgoing Prevention Coalition Chair Reverend Melinda Bobo for her service over the last 3 years. We have been blessed by Melinda’s leadership, her meeting facilitation skills, and her commitment to community health. On Thursday July 13 coalition members elected new leadership: Chair: Aaron Preece Vice Chair: Stephanie Lund Secretary: Joanie Christie. Welcome and thank you to all who stepped up to serve the coalition for the next year. August meetings: Monday 8/7/23: SUICIDE PREVENTION TASK FORCE 12 - 1 PM PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE - LUNCH INCLUDED - PLEASE RSVP FOR LUNCH! Available online on Zoom. Contact, Trisha or Becky for the link

Thursday 8/10/23: SUBLETTE PREVENTION COALITION 12 - 1 PM PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE - LUNCH INCLUDED - PLEASE RSVP FOR LUNCH! Available online on Zoom. Contact, Trisha or Becky for the link Monday 8/28: ATODS - (Alcohol, Tobacco, other Drugs) TASK FORCE 12 - 1 PM PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE Available online on Zoom. Contact, Trisha or Becky for the link Thank you for supporting prevention work in Sublette County!


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