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  • SPC

March 2022 in Prevention

First: Some very important community thank you notes:

  • Thank you to Deputy Marlene Johnston and Deputy Carol MacKenzie for teaching TIPs, alcohol beverage server training, to local servers on February 10. Thank you to Sheriff Lehr for supporting this important training.

  • Thank you to Mitchell Johnson and Audrey Ostermann at Lakeside Lodge for promoting their creative and colorful alcohol free cocktails on our social media. The videos are on our instagram and fb pages, please have a look and share!

  • Thank you to Sarah Hixson and Aaron Preece at High Country Behavioral Health for supporting the second round Quit Tobacco Classes. Classes began last week.

  • Thank you to Big Piney High School for welcoming QPR training for the freshman health class the week of February 7. Thank you Mardy Sleight and Bill Lehr for instructing over 3 days.

  • Thank you to coalition members, members of the Sheriff’s Office, and Rep. Albert Sommers who attended the 2 hour presentation and Q&A on “Lessons from the Colorado Cannabis Experience” with Dr. Libby Stuyt M.D., and Ben Cort, Colorado treatment provider, on February 10. This was a lively and interactive discussion of what legal recreational marijuana looks like, on the ground, and how it is impacting kids. Please contact me if you would like the recording.

  • Thank you to St. Andrew’s Church for generously giving us a space for meetings and training this year.

Along with regular business, the task forces are drafting the next grant cycle work plan this month. This is a great time to get involved in prevention work. All are welcome!

Monday 3/7: Suicide Prevention Task Force

12 - 1 PM

In person: St. Andrew’s Church, lower level

Contact Trisha for Zoom link

Tuesday March 8: Alcohol Abuse Prevention Task Force

12 - 1 PM

In person: St. Andrew’s Church, lower level

Contact Trisha for Zoom link

Thursday March 10: SPC LUNCH

12 - 1 PM

In person: St. Andrew’s Church, lower level

Contact Trisha for Zoom link

*Please note: All meetings in March will be held at St. Andrew’s Church, lower level.

Lunch is provided, we need your RSVP to get you lunch!

Please indicate with your RSVP if you are coming in person or on zoom.

Be well and have a safe and healthy March!


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